The Children’s Department at St. Andrews is led by Kellie Gilbert Britton, but is truly a group effort from many volunteers who love teaching our children all about God. The Children’s Department is made up of children ages birth- 6th grade. We provide a nursery with trained workers to care for your child during worship services. If you prefer to keep your child in the service with you, that is certainly welcome. We are child friendly and love to see children worship our Lord. If you and your child need a break during the service, we also have a nursing mother’s room you are welcome to use.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Children's Moment
Pastor spending time with some of the children.
Sunday Mornings
Honey Bees
For those children (and parents) who prefer a more child-centered worship experience on Sunday mornings, we invite the children to “Honeybees” during the pastor’s sermon time. In Honeybees, they will have a bible lesson and typically either play a game or have a craft related to that day’s lesson.
On Wednesday nights, we offer children’s activities that give the children the opportunity to interact with each other as a large group. All ages come together to discuss the current events that affect the lives of children today and how to navigate a Christian life in a world that tries so hard to steer them away from all things Godly. We do this along with listening to music, playing games, and fellowshipping with one another..
Sunday School
In between our 2 worship services, we offer Sunday School. The children are divided up by age/grade level and are taught about people in the Bible, how to use the Bible, and how to apply the Bible to their everyday lives. Our Sunday School teachers make learning fun and meaningful!